Our founder - sharing the Magic of Making März 2023Find out more about our rounder, Georgie Tym, and her journey to launching Hands of Tym
How to become a leather bag designer März 2023Leather bag design Designing high-quality leather bags is an art form that requires skill, creativity, and attention to detail. As a leather bag designer, you have the opportunity to create...
Why do I need quality leather tools? Februar 2023We'll let you know why it's so essential to choose the right quality leather tools.
Use your old leather sofa to make accessories Januar 2023It's easy to get started with leather crafting. There are lots of tutorials online to help guide you through the steps or you could join us on one of our...
Was mache ich mit einem alten Ledersofa? Oktober 2021Was tun mit einem alten Ledersofa? Wie wäre es, daraus eine wunderschöne, maßgeschneiderte Lederhandtasche zu machen?
Werde Taschenmacher - Rucksackkurs August 2021Erfahren Sie mehr über unseren beliebten Kurs zur Herstellung von Rucksacktaschen